10 February 2015 In news 0 comment

The Video introducing  S.J.S. Engineering srl Team and the company business activities is online.

23 December 2014 In news 0 comment

The "Upgrading of the Berthing Quay in the Molo Polisettoriale of Taranto" project has been delivered.The activities related to the Dredging Mud in the Molo Polisettoriale and the Confined Disposal Facility have been started. S.J.S. Engineering is responsible for the Site Supervision. Go to video

13 June 2014 In news 0 comment

The S.J.S. Engineering partecipates to the EXPO KONTUR - XXI Interregional Exhibition Regions - Cooperation without Borders, in Cheboksary from the 18th to the 22th of June 2014. It is possible to meet the Company representatives at the stand no. 82. www.expokontur.ru